Hydrogen storage in solution-mined caverns can provide utility-scale, long-duration energy storage to support grid integration of renewable energy generation and H2 fuel management.
Hydrogen enjoys enormous attention and acceptance as an energy carrier and a carbon-free solution for the different sectors.
Meeting the anticipated 10-fold increase in hydrogen requirements by 2050 has led to many studies evaluating the most techno-economic means to achieve this target.
Among the many challenges the world will face in the coming years, there is arguably none greater than reversing the tide of climate change.
With its highly developed industrial infrastructure and growing renewable energy sector offering a wealth of opportunities to produce low-carbon H2, North America is ripe to join the H2 frenzy taking place in the Europe and Asia-Pacific regions.
Europe Shell starts up Europe’s largest PEM electrolyzer Europe’s largest PEM H2 electrolyzer commenced operations at Shell’s Energy and Chemicals Park Rheinland in July, producing green H2. Plans are underway to expand capacity of the electrolyzer from 10 MW to 100 MW at the Rheinland site, near ..
Technology Spotlight GREEN H2 Raven SR to build first waste-to-H2 plant Raven SR Inc., a renewable fuels company, has selected POWER Engineers Inc. and Stellar J Corp. to complete the final design, engineering and fabrication of the company’s first commercial renewable fuels production facilities..
-Adrienne Blume The industry report, “Roadmap to a U.S. hydrogen economy,” released in October 2020, details how the U.S. can expand its global energy leadership by scaling up activity in the rapidly evolving H2 economy.
The global shift to decarbonization, earlier catalyzed by the Paris Accord and the related realization of the imperative to limit future global warming, has accelerated.
Hydrogen production from gas, oil and coal has a reputation for being dirty and inefficient. At present, the majority of the world’s H2 is produced and used in oil refineries and chemical plants.
Large-scale, affordable, “blue” hydrogen production from natural gas, along with carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), is necessary to bridge the gap until large-scale H2 production using renewable energy becomes economic.
In the past few years, increased focus has been devoted to sustainable energy sources and green fuel alternatives due to a series of social, environmental and health-related concerns.
The urgency to limit global warming to 1.5°C is intensifying. Global leaders are developing decarbonization strategies to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Accord.
Considerable investment has been allotted to the research and development of renewable and alternative forms of energy in the private sector, in academia and by governments around the world.
The push for clean energy continues to drive interest in hydrogen-powered vehicles and power systems. The demand for green H2 is greater than ever before, and many consider it to be one of the most viable near-future sources of energy.
Gulf Energy Information’s Global Energy Infrastructure (GEI) Database and Construction Boxscore Database are tracking 268 active and operating carbon-neutral and low-carbon H2 production and utilization projects around the world.